Photon Mission B.V.

Bijsterhuizen 2527
6604 LM Wijchen
The Netherlands

Neutral density filters

Neutral density filters

Wide range of filter options: we offer filters that cater to specific applications or industries, such as UV, IR, or visible light filters in many different application fields.

Neutral Density (ND) Filters reduce overall light transmission evenly throughout a range of wavelengths. ND Filters are characterized by a measure of percent transmittance through the filter or it’s Optical Density (OD) which describes the amount of light blocked. A filter with a low OD has higher transmission (OD 0.3 = 50% transmission), and a filter with a high OD has lower transmission (OD 2.0 = 1% transmission). ND filters are additive and can be stacked to further reduce transmission. For example: OD 0.6 (25%T) + OD 1.2(12.5%T) = OD 1.8 (1.5%T).

ND filters are most commonly used to reduce light intensity. They are used to reduce shutter speed to create blur or motion, and allow for a decreased depth of field. Photon Mission offers a complete range of ODs in various sizes and shapes. Custom OD, sizes and shapes available. Please inquire with us for more details.

Neutral Density (ND) Filters reduce overall light transmission evenly throughout a range of wavelengths. ND Filters are characterized by a measure of percent transmittance through the filter or it’s Optical Density (OD) which describes the amount of light blocked. A filter with a low OD has higher transmission (OD 0.3 = 50% transmission), and a filter with a high OD has lower transmission (OD 2.0 = 1% transmission). ND filters are additive and can be stacked to further reduce transmission. For example: OD 0.6 (25%T) + OD 1.2(12.5%T) = OD 1.8 (1.5%T).

ND filters are most commonly used to reduce light intensity. They are used to reduce shutter speed to create blur or motion, and allow for a decreased depth of field. Photon Mission offers a complete range of ODs in various sizes and shapes. Custom OD, sizes and shapes available. Please inquire with us for more details.

Need advice to find the optimal filter? I’m happy to help!

Ronald Jansen

+31 85 080 5944 - Option 2

Ni200 Neutral Density Filter – Reflective 1% Transmission

  • threaded mount, c-mount and slip mount option
  • unmounted option and different sizes available

The Ni200 Neutral density filters can be used to reduce the amount of light reaching the camera to about average 1% transmission, thus allowing longer exposure times that result in reduced depth of field. This improves the separation of subject matter from the foreground and/or background. These filters include identical male and female threads on either end so that they can be stacked with other ND filters to achieve various optical densities. Useful Range : 400-2000nm Optical Density : 2.0 Average Transmission: 1% Tolerance : +/- 0.15 Surface Quality : 40/20


Ni120 Neutral Density Filter – Low Reflectivity 6.25% Transmission

  • threaded mount, c-mount and slip mount option
  • unmounted option and different sizes available

The Ni120 Neutral density filters can be used to reduce the amount of light reaching the camera to about average 6.25% transmission, thus allowing longer exposure times that result in reduced depth of field. This improves the separation of subject matter from the foreground and/or background. These filters include identical male and female threads on either end so that they can be stacked with other ND filters to achieve various optical densities. Useful Range : 400-2000nm Optical Density : 1.2 Average Transmission: 6.25% Tolerance : +/- 0.63% Surface Quality : 40/20


Ni060 Neutral Density Filter – Low Reflectivity 25% Transmission

  • threaded mount, c-mount and slip mount option
  • unmounted option and different sizes available

The Ni060 filters are used to restrict visible and/or near-IR light, reducing the amount reaching the camera sensor, thus allowing for longer exposure times and reduced depth of field. This technique can improve the separation of subject matter from the background. Ni060 transmission is approximately 25% while reflected light averages about 20% over the 400-1100nm wavelength range. These filters include identical male and female threads on either end so that they can be stacked with other ND filters to achieve various optical densities. Useful Range : 400-2000nm Optical Density : 0.6 Average Transmission: 25% Tolerance : +/- 3.0% Surface Quality : 40/20


Ni030 Neutral Density Filter – Low Reflectivity 50% Transmission

  • threaded mount, c-mount and slip mount option
  • unmounted option and different sizes available

Ni030 filters feature uniform attenuation simultaneously over the visible and near-IR range that is imaged by most industrial CCD/CMOS cameras. That is, regardless of wavelength within this range, on average approximately 50% of the light will be transmitted while less than 10% will be reflected back towards the source or subject. These filters include identical male and female threads on either end so that they can be stacked with other ND filters to achieve various optical densities. Useful Range : 400-2000nm Optical Density : 0.3 Average Transmission: 50% Tolerance : +/- 5.00% Surface Quality : 40/20


Neutral density filters

  • Standard filters available
  • Customization to your application needs

Are you looking for a particular neutral density filter that is not shown on this page? Contact us to find your specific filter!

Ni090 Neutral Density Filter – Low Reflectivity 12.5% Transmission

  • threaded mount, c-mount and slip mount option
  • unmounted option and different sizes available

The Ni090 filters exhibit uniform attenuation over the entire visible and near-IR range that most industrial CCD/CMOS cameras are sensitive within. The actual percent transmission averages a nearly constant 12.5%, while reflectivity in the visible portion of the spectrum averages 30%. These filters include identical male and female threads on either end so that they can be stacked with other ND filters to achieve various optical densities. Useful Range : 400-2000nm Optical Density : 0.9 Average Transmission: 12.50% Tolerance : +/- 1.50% Surface Quality : 40/20


ND400 Neutral Density Filter – Absorptive 0.01% Transmission

  • threaded mount, c-mount and slip mount option
  • unmounted option and different sizes available

The ND400 absorptive neutral density filters have an optical density of 4.0, meaning that they transmit an average of 0.01% of visible light. Surprisingly, this amount of light passing through the filter is easily detectable by the human eye. Because the glass substrate is absorbing 99.99% of the light that passes into the filter, it is not recommended that these filters be used in laser applications or immediately in front of high wattage lamps. Useful Range : 425-675nm Optical Density : 4.0 Average Transmission: 0.01% Tolerance : +/- 0.003% Surface Quality : 40/20 Surface Quality : 40/20


ND300 Neutral Density Filter – Absorptive 0.1% Transmission

  • threaded mount, c-mount and slip mount option
  • unmounted option and different sizes available

The ND300 absorptive neutral density filters have an optical density of 3.0, meaning that they transmit an average of 0.1% of visible light. These filters include identical male and female threads on either end so that they can be stacked with other ND filters to achieve various optical densities. Because the glass substrate is absorbing 99.9% of the light that passes into the filter, these filters are not recommended for use with lasers or immediately in front of higher wattage lighting. Useful Range : 425-675nm Optical Density : 3.0 Average Transmission: 0.10% Tolerance : +/- 0.015% Surface Quality : 40/20


ND200 Neutral Density Filter – Absorptive 1.0% Transmission

  • threaded mount, c-mount and slip mount option
  • unmounted option and different sizes available

The ND200 absorptive neutral density filters have an optical density of 2.0, transmitting an average of 1% of the visible spectrum. These filters include identical male and female threads on either end so that they can be stacked with other ND filters to achieve various optical densities. Stacking two ND200 filters together, would be nearly equivalent to a ND400 filter; i.e., visible light transmission would be approximately equal to 0.01%. Useful Range : 425-675nm Optical Density : 2.0 Average Transmission: 1% Tolerance : +/- 0.15% Surface Quality : 40/20


ND120 Neutral Density Filter – Absorptive 6.25% Transmission

  • threaded mount, c-mount and slip mount option
  • unmounted option and different sizes available

The ND120 absorptive neutral density filters have an optical density of 1.2, averaging 6.25% transmission over the visible spectrum. These filters include identical male and female threads on either end so that they can be stacked with other ND filters to achieve various optical densities. For example, the result from stacking two ND120 filters together would be very similar to utilizing one (ND240) filter. Visible transmission would approximately equal 0.4% of visible light. Useful Range : 425-675nm Optical Density : 1.2 Average Transmission: 6.25% Tolerance : +/- 0.63% Surface Quality : 40/20


ND090 Neutral Density Filter – Absorptive 12.5% Transmission

  • threaded mount, c-mount and slip mount option
  • unmounted option and different sizes available

ND060 absorptive neutral density filters have an optical density of 0.6, or average 25% transmission within the visible spectrum. These filters include identical male and female threads on either end so that they can be stacked with other ND filters to achieve various optical densities. For example, two ND060 filters stacked together would be approximately equivalent to one ND120 filter. Useful Range : 425-675nm Optical Density : 0.6 Average Transmission: 25% Tolerance : +/- 3.00% Surface Quality : 40/20


ND060 Neutral Density Filter – Absorptive 25% Transmission

  • threaded mount, c-mount and slip mount option
  • unmounted option and different sizes available

ND060 absorptive neutral density filters have an optical density of 0.6, or average 25% transmission within the visible spectrum. These filters include identical male and female threads on either end so that they can be stacked with other ND filters to achieve various optical densities. For example, two ND060 filters stacked together would be approximately equivalent to one ND120 filter. Useful Range : 425-675nm Optical Density : 0.6 Average Transmission: 25% Tolerance : +/- 3.00% Surface Quality : 40/20


ND030 Neutral Density Filter – Absorptive 50% Transmission

  • threaded mount, c-mount and slip mount option
  • unmounted option and different sizes available

ND030 absorptive neutral density filters have an optical density of 0.3, or average 50% transmission across the visible spectrum. These filters include identical male and female threads on either end so that they can be stacked with other ND filters to achieve various optical densities. For example, two ND030 filters stacked together would perform approximately the same as one ND060 filter. Useful Range : 425-675nm Optical Density : 0.3 Average Transmission: 50% Tolerance : +/- 5.00% Surface Quality : 40/20


Neutral density filters

  • Standard filters available
  • Customization to your application needs

Are you looking for a particular neutral density filter that is not shown on this page? Contact us to find your specific filter!

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